And today we are dedicating it to s! Taken any cold one out of a plastic cup? Plastic cups are ubiquitous, but bad for environment. They take a long time to decompose, which means it can leave them sitting in landfills for hundreds of years without disappearing. So Fuling is providing a better cold drink solution with our compostable cold cups! They have cups that are a genius way to save our planet.
Fuling’s compostable cold cups are made from plant materials, including corn and sugarcane. That matters because they will decompose in nature far more quickly than plastic cups would. In fact, if you throw away a Fuling compostable cold cup it can be soil within a few months! Isn’t that cool? Instead of damaging the Earth, these cups help Earth — they return quickly to nature. We need to consider the impact our decisions have on the planet, and compostable cups are one way this solution works.
Fuling’s compostable cold cups let you sip cold drinks without harming the Earth. These cups are just as sturdy as plastic cups, so you don’t have to worry about them breaking or spilling your drink. They're made to securely hold your favorite drinks! Plus they’re perfectly safe to use and won’t harm any animals or plants in the process. Using these cups can help you to do your bit to save the planet.
Plastic waste is an enormous issue for our planet. Every day they use fresh plastic cups -- most of which go directly into the rubbish. In the trash, those plastic cups can remain there for centuries, and that’s bad news for the planet. However, we all can make a difference as we used compostable cold cups instead! By these compostable cold cups by Fuling, you can reduce plastic waste forever. You are choosing what is better for the earth, setting a better example for others.
Supporting the environment means utilizing the resources in a non-harmful way to the surroundings. What you are doing for the Earth with Fuling's compostable cold cups You are using an asset that is going to degrade into earth versus an asset that is going to remain in the climate for quite a while. Just this small tweak can be immensely helpful! As you make small changes, collectively we can help to protect our planet for coming generations.
If you end up having a party or an event, then you need to consider how you’d like to serve drinks to loved ones. Serving drinks responsibly comes easy with Fuling's compostable cold cups. Your guests can sip with no conscience towards harming the Earth and you can feel good about your decision. Tell your guests about these cups and maybe they make some better choices too!